
Kevin Dobrzynski, DN

IRC Program Director

Dr. Kevin Dobrzynski, DN, specializes in naprapathy and nutrition. His journey into natural medicine deepened when helping his wife combat hypothyroidism after her thyroid removal. This experience led him to write “The Hypothyroid Diet” and a children’s book. He expanded his skills in marketing and joined Dr. Daniel Amen in 2017. After discovering his own brain trauma from football, Kevin naturally treated his depressive symptoms and is now an advocate for natural mental health solutions.


Dr. Kevin Dobrzynski, DN, is a doctor of naprapathy – a field of medicine specializing in connective tissue, nutritional counseling, and a variety of therapeutic modalities. He spent his career helping patients reclaim their health, but helping his own wife changed his life forever. Following the removal of her thyroid due to cancer, Dr. Kevin’s wife struggled with hypothyroidism. Conventional medicine failed to help her, so he dove into the research and discovered a natural approach that worked. So, Dr. Kevin
launched his publishing career with his book, The Hypothyroid Diet: Lose Weight and Beat Fatigue in 21 Days. He’s the co-author of a children’s book with his daughter Brook, Sticky The Bear: The Story Of One Little Bear Who Loved to Eat Sweet Treats.

Dr. Kevin soon became an expert in marketing, product, content, and business development in order to impact more people and amplify his message.

In 2017, he went to work for Dr. Daniel Amen. Through brain SPECT imaging Dr. Kevin discovered trauma to his own brain from years of playing competitive football which contributed to symptoms of depression. His case was the perfect storm of a history of head trauma and a hidden gut infection leading to depressive symptoms. Fortunately, he was able to eliminate his symptoms naturally.

Kevin has a personal passion for the expansion of natural medicine for mental health.


With epigenetics expert Kent L. Thornburg, PHD, FAPS

The Power of Nutrition for a Healthy Start

What you need to know about epigenetics in pregnancy and beyond.

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