Santa Fe, New Mexico
Karolyn Gazella
Content Writer
Karolyn Gazella is the founder of the Natural Medicine Journal and the host of the Natural Medicine Journal Podcast for integrative healthcare professionals. She is also the co-host of the Five to Thrive Live! Podcast, the author of The Healing Factor blog for Psychology Today, and a regular contributor to Integrative Practitioner. Karolyn is the author or co-author of many booklets, books, and technical papers and has been writing about integrative medicine since 1992.
Experience Highlights
- Founder of the Natural Medicine Journal
- Author/contributor for Psychology Today and Integrative Practitioner
Expertise Highlights
- Subject Matter Expertise – Integrative Medicine
- Content Development and Writing
- Integrative Health Broadcasting
Education Highlights
- University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
- University of Wisconsin-Green Bay
“People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”—Maya Angelou
Karolyn began work in the natural health industry in 1992 as the Marketing Director for Enzymatic Therapy, a supplement manufacturer. She started her own publishing company in 1995. Since then, she has created, authored, and published consumer magazines, books, booklets, and peer-reviewed professional journals, including the Natural Medicine Journal, the official journal of the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians. She has since sold that journal to Diversified Communications but remains the Natural Medicine Journal Podcast host.
Karolyn has interviewed some of the leading researchers and pioneers in integrative medicine, including Dr. Linus Pauling, Dr. Jon Kabat Zinn, Dr. Mimi Guarneri, and numerous naturopathic physicians. She has had a 25-year collaboration with Dr. Lise Alschuler, a leading voice in the integrative medicine community.
Karolyn has extensive expertise in crafting engaging and informative health content. She has authored numerous booklets, books, and technical papers, and utilizes adept content skills in her ongoing health podcasts and blogs. With a career spanning over three decades in writing about integrative medicine, Karolyn possesses in-depth knowledge and understanding of holistic healthcare practices, making her a respected thought leader and regular contributor to various health platforms.