Here’s How to Treat Tonsillitis Naturally

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Sore throat, neck pain, difficulty swallowing, and fever are the classic symptoms of tonsillitis, marked by inflammation of the oval-shaped lymph nodes at the back of the mouth and top of the throat. Tonsils may appear red and swollen, often with white or yellow patches. Other signs include bad breath, hoarseness, and congestion.

Tonsillitis is less common among adults, but nearly every child in the United States will experience it at least once.1NIH National Library of Medicine. Tonsillitis. MedlinePlus. 2017;Apr 11.

Tonsillitis Causes and Diagnosis

A viral infection is the most common cause of tonsillitis; however, a bacterial infection—such as strep throat—can also contribute.1NIH National Library of Medicine. Tonsillitis. MedlinePlus. 2017;Apr 11. Virus-induced tonsillitis typically improves after a few days and resolves without medication. Children ages 5 to 15 are at higher risk for strep throat, while children under 5 are more likely to get viral tonsillitis.2Alasmari N, Bamashmous R, Alshuwaykan R, et al. Causes and treatment of tonsillitis. EJHM. 2017;69(8):2975-2980.

Although tonsillitis is not contagious, most infections that cause it, such as colds and flu viruses, spread easily.1NIH National Library of Medicine. Tonsillitis. MedlinePlus. 2017;Apr 11. 

To diagnose tonsillitis, a doctor will examine the throat, neck, ears, and nose. They might also order a rapid antigen test or throat culture to rule out bacterial infections.3Anderson J, Paterek E. Tonsillitis. StatPearls. 2023;Aug 8.

A single case of tonsillitis is called “acute tonsillitis.” When a patient experiences five or more episodes a year with symptoms lasting at least 12 months, the condition is considered chronic or recurrent tonsillitis.4Georgalas CC, Tolley NS, Narula PA. Tonsillitis. BMJ Clin Evid. 2014;2014:0503. Tonsillitis sometimes causes complications such as abscesses, tonsil stones, and obstructive sleep apnea.3Anderson J, Paterek E. Tonsillitis. StatPearls. 2023;Aug 8.,5Castagnini LA, Goyal M, Ongkasuwan J. Tonsillitis and peritonsillar abscess. Infectious Diseases in Pediatric Otolaryngology. 2015;137-150.

“Tonsillitis can be extremely uncomfortable and frustrating, especially when it becomes a more chronic condition,” says Allison Apfelbaum, ND, LMP, a primary care physician with Tree of Health Integrative Medicine in Woodinville, Washington. “The goal of treating tonsillitis naturally is to diagnose the cause of the irritation and then help prevent and relieve discomfort.”

Conventional Treatment

Conventional treatment for bacterial tonsillitis typically starts with antibiotics, which patients take for about ten days.3Anderson J, Paterek E. Tonsillitis. StatPearls. 2023;Aug 8.

Prescribing antibiotics for viral infections is not recommended. Studies indicate that antibiotics offer limited benefits against viruses, have potential side effects, and contribute to antibiotic resistance. Over time, this resistance can result in compromised health and heightened susceptibility to future infections.6Wilcox CR, Moore M, Little P. Use of antibiotics for acute sore throat and tonsillitis in primary care. Br J Gen Pract. 2022;72(716):136-137.

“In acute tonsillitis, it is important to rule out strep throat because untreated [cases] can lead to more serious issues,” says Dr. Apfelbaum. She also points out the disadvantages of current tonsillitis management.

“I have seen patients treated with antibiotics, even if they test negative for strep throat,” she notes. “In the case of chronic tonsillitis, when antibiotics don’t work, surgical removal of the tonsils is typically the only option presented to the patient.”


In a tonsillectomy, the tonsils are surgically removed. A healthcare provider might recommend a tonsillectomy for children who experience the following2Alasmari N, Bamashmous R, Alshuwaykan R, et al. Causes and treatment of tonsillitis. EJHM. 2017;69(8):2975-2980.

  • Six strep infections in one year
  • Five strep infections in two consecutive years
  • Three or more strep infections three years in a row
  • Antibiotic allergy/intolerance

Patients with enlarged tonsils may also be candidates for a tonsillectomy. Gastroesophageal reflux (GERD) is a common but fixable cause of tonsil enlargement.7Kim JH, Jeong HS, Kim KM, et al. Extra-esophageal pepsin from stomach refluxate promoted tonsil hypertrophy. PLoS One. 2016;11(4):e0152336.

“Acid reflux is called silent reflux when it happens at night while lying down,” explains Dr. Apfelbaum. “It can irritate the tonsils. Conventional medicine uses acid inhibitors to control reflux, but long-term use of these medications can inhibit nutrient absorption.”

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Home Remedies for Tonsillitis

Humidifier and plants on shelf

Once strep throat is ruled out, home remedies may address concerns like sore throat, difficulty swallowing, and irritation. Many natural treatments offer relief for viral tonsillitis:

  • Drink warm liquids (soup, broth, herbal tea) or eat cold food (ice cream, frozen yogurt, smoothies) to soothe the throat.
  • Opt for puréed or soft foods; avoid hard or crunchy snacks that can scratch or irritate the throat.
  • Use a humidifier to increase moisture in dry environments and soothe mucous membranes.
  • Suck on throat lozenges or cough drops.
  • Gargle with salt water or diluted apple cider vinegar.
  • Take a steamy shower or warm bath.

“In cases where tonsillitis is caused by a virus, allergies, or chronic inflammation, natural medicine can be very effective,” says Dr. Apfelbaum. “If the cause is an infection other than strep throat, herbal antimicrobials and immune-supportive, anti-inflammatory nutrients such as astragalus, berberine, garlic, zinc, vitamin C, and licorice can help fight infections naturally. Salt water gargling can help because it is a natural antimicrobial that can ease pockets of bacteria lodged in the crypts of the tonsils.”

Dr. Apfelbaum also checks for possible allergies or food intolerances, as both can irritate the sinuses and throat. “The tonsils are an immune organ, so when offending irritants are removed, inflammation can resolve,” she explains.

An Ounce of Prevention

While you can’t completely prevent tonsillitis, practicing good hygiene can lower the risk. One healthy habit is frequently washing your hands, especially before eating or touching your nose or mouth.1NIH National Library of Medicine. Tonsillitis. MedlinePlus. 2017;Apr 11. Boosting your immunity and avoiding environmental toxins are other ways to ward off tonsillitis3Anderson J, Paterek E. Tonsillitis. StatPearls. 2023;Aug 8.,8Windfuhr JP, Toepfner N, Steffen G, Waldfahrer F, Berner R. Clinical practice guideline: tonsillitis I. Diagnostics and nonsurgical management. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2016;273(4):973-987.

  • Support your immune system with anti-inflammatory nutrients and herbs.
  • Stay hydrated.
  • Get plenty of rest.
  • Practice good oral hygiene.
  • Stay away from people who are sick.
  • Steer clear of smoking and secondhand smoke.
  • Replace your toothbrush every three months and every time you get sick.

When to See a Doctor

Woman with sore throat touches front of neck

If you experience pain when swallowing or the sensation that your throat is on fire, your tonsils may be infected. While viral tonsillitis will typically heal in a few days with the home remedies suggested above, it’s important to call your doctor for the following reasons:9Alrayah M. The prevalence and management of chronic tonsillitis: experience from secondary care hospitals in Rabak City, Sudan. Cureus. 2023;15(2):e34914.

  • A sore throat that lasts more than four days.
  • Pain so severe it interferes with eating and drinking.
  • A fever over 101 degrees.
  • Extreme fatigue and weakness.

“A naturopathic doctor can prescribe medications if needed, but they also have the ability to use other treatment methods,” says Dr. Apfelbaum. “It’s a great opportunity to [explore] additional solutions for treatment and prevent future bouts of tonsillitis.”


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