Institute for Natural Medicine

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Help Transform Healthcare

We believe that naturopathic medicine, with its unique principles and practices, has the potential to reverse the tide of chronic illness that overwhelms existing health care systems and to empower people to achieve and maintain their optimal lifelong health.

Our mission is to transform healthcare in America by increasing both public awareness of naturopathic medicine and access to naturopathic doctors for patients.

Supporters like you help us work toward these goals.


We wouldn’t be able to do what we do without our sponsors! Help INM improve access and knowledge about naturopathic medicine.

The Institute for Natural Medicine is recognized as tax-exempt under IRS section 501(c)(3), which makes your gift to us tax deductible.

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Have you had a transformative experience with naturopathic medicine? Patient testimonies can help others find health solutions!

With epigenetics expert Kent L. Thornburg, PHD, FAPS

The Power of Nutrition for a Healthy Start

What you need to know about epigenetics in pregnancy and beyond.

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